Single-object category

Single object category with a given monoid of endomorphisms. It is defined to facilitate transfering some definitions and lemmas (e.g., conjugacy etc.) from category theory to monoids and groups.

Main definitions

Given a type α with a monoid structure, single_obj α is unit type with category structure such that End (single_obj α).star is the monoid α. This can be extended to a functor Mon ⥤ Cat.

If α is a group, then single_obj α is a groupoid.

An element x : α can be reinterpreted as an element of End ( α) using single_obj.to_End.

Implementation notes


Type tag on unit used to define single-object categories and groupoids.


One and flip (*) become id and comp for morphisms of the single object category.


Monoid laws become category laws for the single object category.


Groupoid structure on single_obj α


The endomorphisms monoid of the only object in single_obj α is equivalent to the original monoid α.


There is a 1-1 correspondence between monoid homomorphisms α β and functors between the corresponding single-object categories. It means that single_obj is a fully faithful functor.


Reinterpret a monoid homomorphism f : α β as a functor (single_obj α) ⥤ (single_obj β). See also category_theory.single_obj.map_hom for an equivalence between these types.


The fully faithful functor from Mon to Cat.