A cfilter α σ is a realization of a filter (base) on α, represented by a type σ together with operations for the top element and the binary inf operation.
Map a cfilter to an equivalent representation type.
The filter represented by a cfilter is the collection of supersets of elements of the filter base.
A realizer for filter f is a cfilter which generates f.
A filter realizes itself.
Transfer a filter realizer to another realizer on a different base type.
unit is a realizer for the principal filter
unit is a realizer for the top filter
unit is a realizer for the bottom filter
Construct a realizer for map m f given a realizer for f
Construct a realizer for comap m f given a realizer for f
Construct a realizer for the sup of two filters
Construct a realizer for the inf of two filters
Construct a realizer for the cofinite filter
Construct a realizer for filter bind
Construct a realizer for indexed supremum
Construct a realizer for the product of filters