
finsupp α β, denoted α ₀ β, is the type of functions f : α β such that f x = 0 for all but finitely many x.


single a b is the finitely supported function which has value b at a and zero otherwise.


on_finset s f hf is the finsupp function representing f restricted to the set s. The function needs to be 0 outside of s. Use this when the set needs filtered anyway, otherwise often better set representation is available.


The composition of f : β₁ β₂ and g : α ₀ β₁ is map_range f hf g : α ₀ β₂, well defined when f 0 = 0.


Given f : α₁ ↪ α₂ and v : α₁ ₀ β, emb_domain f v : α₂ ₀ β is the finitely supported function whose value at f a : α₂ is v a. For a b : α₂ outside the range of f it is zero.


zip_with f hf g₁ g₂ is the finitely supported function satisfying zip_with f hf g₁ g₂ a = f (g₁ a) (g₂ a), and well defined when f 0 0 = 0.


sum f g is the sum of g a (f a) over the support of f.

prod f g is the product of g a (f a) over the support of f.


Given f : α₁ α₂ and v : α₁ ₀ β, map_domain f v : α₂ ₀ β is the finitely supported function whose value at a : α₂ is the sum of v x over all x such that f x = a.


The product of f g : α ₀ β is the finitely supported function whose value at a is the sum of f x * g y over all pairs x, y such that x + y = a. (Think of the product of multivariate polynomials where α is the monoid of monomial exponents.)


The unit of the multiplication is single 0 1, i.e. the function that is 1 at 0 and zero elsewhere.


filter p f is the function which is f a if p a is true and 0 otherwise.


subtype_domain p f is the restriction of the finitely supported function f to the subtype p.


The order on σ →₀ ℕ is well-founded.