roption α is the type of "partial values" of type α. It is similar to option α except the domain condition can be an arbitrary proposition, not necessarily decidable.
Convert an roption α with a decidable domain to an option
roption extensionality
roption eta expansion
a ∈ o means that o is defined and equal to a
roption extensionality
The none value in roption has a false domain and an empty function.
The some a value in roption has a true domain and the function returns a.
Convert an option α into an roption α
assert p f is a bind-like operation which appends an additional condition p to the domain and uses f to produce the value.
The bind operation has value g (f.get), and is defined when all the parts are defined.
The map operation for roption just maps the value and maintains the same domain.
unwrap o gets the value at o, ignoring the condition. (This function is unsound.)
pfun α β, or α →. β, is the type of partial functions from α to β. It is defined as α → roption β.
The domain of a partial function
Evaluate a partial function
Evaluate a partial function to return an option
Partial function extensionality
Turn a partial function into a function out of a subtype
Turn a total function into a partial function
The graph of a partial function is the set of pairs (x, f x) where x is in the domain of f.
The range of a partial function is the set of values f x where x is in the domain of f.
Restrict a partial function to a smaller domain.
The monad pure function, the total constant x function
The monad bind function, pointwise roption.bind
The monad map function, pointwise