
Map a function f : α β such that ra x y implies rb (f x) (f y) to a map quot ra quot rb.


If ra is a subrelation of ra', then we have a natural map quot ra quot ra'.


Map a function f : α β that sends equivalent elements to equivalent elements to a function quotient sa quotient sb. Useful to define unary operations on quotients.


Map a function f : α β γ that sends equivalent elements to equivalent elements to a function f : quotient sa quotient sb quotient sc. Useful to define binary operations on quotients.


A version of quotient.map₂ using curly braces and unification.


Choose an element of the equivalence class using the axiom of choice. Sound but noncomputable.


Unwrap the VM representation of a quotient to obtain an element of the equivalence class. Computable but unsound.


Choose an element of the equivalence class using the axiom of choice. Sound but noncomputable.


trunc α is the quotient of α by the always-true relation. This is related to the propositional truncation in HoTT, and is similar in effect to nonempty α, but unlike nonempty α, trunc α is data, so the VM representation is the same as α, and so this can be used to maintain computability.


Constructor for trunc α


Any constant function lifts to a function out of the truncation


Noncomputably extract a representative of trunc α (using the axiom of choice).