Reduction step: w * x * x⁻¹ * v ~> w * v
Reflexive-transitive closure of red.step
Predicate asserting that word w₁ can be reduced to w₂ in one step, i.e. there are words w₃ w₄ and letter x such that w₁ = w₃xx⁻¹w₄ and w₂ = w₃w₄
Church-Rosser theorem for word reduction: If w1 w2 w3 are words such that w1 reduces to w2 and w3 respectively, then there is a word w4 such that w2 and w3 reduce to w4 respectively.
The empty word [] only reduces to itself.
A letter only reduces to itself.
If x is a letter and w is a word such that xw reduces to the empty word, then w reduces to x⁻¹
If x and y are distinct letters and w₁ w₂ are words such that xw₁ reduces to yw₂, then w₁ reduces to x⁻¹yw₂.
If w₁ w₂ are words such that w₁ reduces to w₂, then w₂ is a sublist of w₁.
The free group over a type, i.e. the words formed by the elements of the type and their formal inverses, quotient by one step reduction.
of x is the canonical injection from the type to the free group over that type by sending each element to the equivalence class of the letter that is the element.
The canonical injection from the type to the free group is an injection.
If β is a group, then any function from α to β extends uniquely to a group homomorphism from the free group over α to β
Any function from α to β extends uniquely to a group homomorphism from the free group ver α to the free group over β.
Equivalent types give rise to equivalent free groups.
If α is a group, then any function from α to α extends uniquely to a homomorphism from the free group over α to α. This is the multiplicative version of sum.
If α is a group, then any function from α to α extends uniquely to a homomorphism from the free group over α to α. This is the additive version of prod.
The maximal reduction of a word. It is computable iff α has decidable equality.
The first theorem that characterises the function reduce: a word reduces to its maximal reduction.
The second theorem that characterises the function reduce: the maximal reduction of a word only reduces to itself.
reduce is idempotent, i.e. the maximal reduction of the maximal reduction of a word is the maximal reduction of the word.
If a word reduces to another word, then they have a common maximal reduction.
If two words correspond to the same element in the free group, then they have a common maximal reduction. This is the proof that the function that sends an element of the free group to its maximal reduction is well-defined.
If two words have a common maximal reduction, then they correspond to the same element in the free group.
A word and its maximal reduction correspond to the same element of the free group.
If words w₁ w₂ are such that w₁ reduces to w₂, then w₂ reduces to the maximal reduction of w₁.
The function that sends an element of the free group to its maximal reduction.
Constructive Church-Rosser theorem (compare church_rosser).
A list containing every word that w₁ reduces to.