s is an additive subgroup: a set containing 0 and closed under addition and negation.
s is a subgroup: a set containing 1 and closed under multiplication and inverse.
The trivial subgroup
Every subgroup is a normal subgroup of its normalizer
group.closure s is the subgroup closed over s, i.e. the smallest subgroup containg s.
Given an element a, conjugates a is the set of conjugates.
Given a set s, conjugates_of_set s is the set of all conjugates of the elements of s.
The set of conjugates of s is closed under conjugation.
The normal closure of a set s is the subgroup closure of all the conjugates of elements of s. It is the smallest normal subgroup containing s.
The normal closure of a set is a subgroup.
The normal closure of s is a normal subgroup.
The normal closure of s is the smallest normal subgroup containing s.