The Giry monad

Let X be a measurable space. The collection of all measures on X again forms a measurable space. This construction forms a monad on measurable spaces and measurable functions, called the Giry monad.

Note that most sources use the term "Giry monad" for the restriction to probability measures. Here we include all measures on X.

See also measure_theory/category/Meas.lean, containing an upgrade of the type-level monad to an honest monad of the functor Measure : Meas тед Meas.



giry monad


Measurability structure on measure: Measures are measurable w.r.t. all projections


Monadic join on measure in the category of measurable spaces and measurable functions.


Monadic bind on measure, only works in the category of measurable spaces and measurable functions. When the function f is not measurable the result is not well defined.