Measure projection which is ∞ for non-measurable sets.
measure' is mainly used to derive the outer measure, for the main measure projection.
outer measure of a measure
Measure projections for a measure space.
For measurable sets this returns the measure assigned by the measure_of field in measure. But we can extend this to all sets, but using the outer measure. This gives us monotonicity and subadditivity for all sets.
The dirac measure.
Sum of an indexed family of measures.
Counting measure on any measurable space.
The "almost everywhere" filter of co-null sets.
A measure space is a measurable space equipped with a measure, referred to as volume.
∀ₘ a:α, p a states that the property p is almost everywhere true in the measure space associated with α. This means that the measure of the complementary of p is 0.
In a probability measure, the measure of p is 1, when p is measurable.