This file defines additional operations on native rb_maps and rb_sets. These structures are defined in core in init.meta.rb_map. They are meta objects, and are generally the most efficient dictionary structures to use for pure metaprogramming right now.
filter s P returns the subset of elements of s satisfying P.
mfilter s P returns the subset of elements of s satisfying P, where the check P is monadic.
union s t returns an rb_set containing every element that appears in either s or t.
find_def default m k returns the value corresponding to k in m, if it exists. Otherwise it returns default.
ifind m key returns the value corresponding to key in m, if it exists. Otherwise it returns the default value of value.
zfind m key returns the value corresponding to key in m, if it exists. Otherwise it returns 0.
Returns the pointwise sum of m1 and m2, treating nonexistent values as 0.
mfilter P s filters s by the monadic predicate P on keys and values.
mmap f s maps the monadic function f over values in s.
scale b m multiplies every value in m by b.
Construct a rb_lmap from a list of key-data pairs
filter P s returns the subset of elements of s satisfying P.
mfilter P s returns the subset of elements of s satisfying P, where the check P is monadic.
mmap f s maps the monadic function f over values in s.
union s t returns an rb_set containing every element that appears in either s or t.
insert_list s l inserts every element of l into s.