The type of n-ary functions α → α → ... → α.
The type of pre-sets in universe u. A pre-set is a family of pre-sets indexed by a type in Type u. The ZFC universe is defined as a quotient of this to ensure extensionality.
The underlying type of a pre-set
The underlying pre-set family of a pre-set
Two pre-sets are extensionally equivalent if every element of the first family is extensionally equivalent to some element of the second family and vice-versa.
x ∈ y as pre-sets if x is extensionally equivalent to a member of the family y.
Convert a pre-set to a set of pre-sets.
Two pre-sets are equivalent iff they have the same members.
The empty pre-set
Insert an element into a pre-set
The n-th von Neumann ordinal
The von Neumann ordinal ω
The separation operation {x ∈ a | p x}
The powerset operator
The set union operator
The image of a function
Universe lift operation
Embedding of one universe in another
Function equivalence is defined so that f ~ g iff ∀ x y, x ~ y → f x ~ g y. This extends to equivalence of n-ary functions.
resp n is the collection of n-ary functions on pSet that respect equivalence, i.e. when the inputs are equivalent the output is as well.
The ZFC universe of sets consists of the type of pre-sets, quotiented by extensional equivalence.
An equivalence-respecting function yields an n-ary Set function.
A set function is "definable" if it is the image of some n-ary pre-set function. This isn't exactly definability, but is useful as a sufficient condition for functions that have a computable image.
Convert a ZFC set into a set of sets
The empty set
insert x y is the set {x} ∪ y
omega is the first infinite von Neumann ordinal
{x ∈ a | p x} is the set of elements in a satisfying p
The powerset operation, the collection of subsets of a set
The union operator, the collection of elements of elements of a set
The binary union operation
The binary intersection operation
The set difference operation
The image of a (definable) set function
Kuratowski ordered pair
A subset of pairs {(a, b) ∈ x × y | p a b}
The cartesian product, {(a, b) | a ∈ x, b ∈ y}
is_func x y f is the assertion f : x → y where f is a ZFC function (a set of ordered pairs)
funs x y is y ^ x, the set of all set functions x → y
Graph of a function: map f x is the ZFC function which maps a ∈ x to f a
Coerce a set into a class
The universal class
Assert that A is a set satisfying p
A ∈ B if A is a set which is a member of B
Convert a conglomerate (a collection of classes) into a class
Convert a class into a conglomerate (a collection of classes)
The power class of a class is the class of all subclasses that are sets
The union of a class is the class of all members of sets in the class
The definite description operator, which is {x} if {a | p a} = {x} and ∅ otherwise
Unlike the other set constructors, the iota definite descriptor is a set for any set input, but not constructively so, so there is no associated (Set → Prop) → Set function.
Function value
A choice function on the set of nonempty sets x