Basic theory of topological spaces.

The main definition is the type class topological space α which endows a type α with a topology. Then set α gets predicates is_open, is_closed and functions interior, closure and frontier. Each point x of α gets a neighborhood filter nhds x.

This file also defines locally finite families of subsets of α.

For topological spaces α and β, a function f : α β and a point a : α, continuous_at f a means f is continuous at a, and global continuity is continuous f. There is also a version of continuity pcontinuous for partially defined functions.

Implementation notes

Topology in mathlib heavily uses filters (even more than in Bourbaki). See explanations in docs/theories/



topological space, interior, closure, frontier, neighborhood, continuity, continuous function


A topology on α.


is_open s means that s is open in the ambient topological space on α


A set is closed if its complement is open


The interior of a set s is the largest open subset of s.


The closure of s is the smallest closed set containing s.


The frontier of a set is the set of points between the closure and interior.


neighbourhood filter


x belongs to the closure of s if and only if some ultrafilter supported on s converges to x.


If f is a filter, then lim f is a limit of the filter, if it exists.


A family of sets in set α is locally finite if at every point x:α, there is a neighborhood of x which meets only finitely many sets in the family


A function between topological spaces is continuous if the preimage of every open set is open.


A function between topological spaces is continuous at a point x₀ if f x tends to f x₀ when x tends to x₀.


Continuity of a partial function